Saturday, April 19, 2008

總裁論道----忍不住要分享的好書 Shame on Taiwanese


主編 : 吳曉波 陸新之 秦朔

大學之道的書房 :



Italian writer Elio Vittorini in his Open Diary 1929-1959, "...Everyone without exception shared the common life of the cathedral (here is imply a greatly build public place). No man was imprisoned in his own poverty at night without being aware that outside, whether near or far, he too possessed riches."

Greatly build public place for every common people to enjoy out of their poor life... what wonderful ambition that these rich CEOs should have to do something and share their wealth with every common man/woman in their city and country.

We wish these rich Chinese CEOs has same ambition as these Westerners. God bless!

In USA, government spent tax money on building public facility for common people enjoy their recreation activities in every city throughout the United States. Can China, Taiwan, any of developing country do the same thing?

Each local government and its residents has the responsibility to improve the living standard; therefore, any of incident happen in the city, each of the resident should bear the shame that they vote the leader to leading them, and they allow their executing department not to carry out any project the people need in the city they live.

As Taiwan we can see each crowded city, where open space is impossible for a park, is lack of community center to be set inside sky rises building for people who live in the crowded city to have recreation activity. Who should be the one to be blamed and bare the shame for any of low quality of living in a city like Taipei? Dirty street for not collecting garbage fee, allowing residents spare their personal belongings to be set in public place, allowing building owner block emergency exit, spoil people not following government rules and regulations....all of these problems will not be allowed in developed country for its high amount of fine and penalty to enfore their citizens obey the rule for the sake of public good.

Each of resident in any city of Taiwan including those who has any of PhD degree or whoever think they are very well-educated to take the dirty name of being lazy to suggest the government layout any plan and project and push through those projects to be carried out to improve the living quality in such city. With high education degree doesn't mean you can only be a thinker and talker, in the meantime, you need to be a doer by watching and suggesting executing department to do anything to improve anything you want them to do for everybody's good. Well-educated is not equal laziness and being a talker only. Chinese scholars is being critized the most is their tradition on talking only.